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Starcade FACTIONS is a turn-based strategy game where space commanders battle ships in short action-packed games.

Join the Beta!

베타 테스트에 참여하세요!



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Steam Store Demo

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Go to Steam page to Wishlist or download the FREE Demo

페이지로 이동하여 위시리스트에 추가하거나 무료 데모를 다운로드하세요.

前往 Steam 页面添加愿望单或下载免费试玩版。

前往 Steam 頁面添加願望清單或下載免費試玩版

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Apple iOS Beta

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1. Get TestFlight app

앱을 다운로드하세요

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2. Add Starcade FACTIONS

Starcade FACTIONS를 추가하세요

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Google Play Beta

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Download the Beta from the Google Play Store today.

오늘 Google Play 스토어에서 베타를 다운로드하세요

今天从 Google Play 商店下载测试版

今天從 Google Play 商店下載測試版

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Feedback on the Beta?

5 Min Tactical Warfare

Coming Soon!

Starcade FACTIONS is coming soon to Steam, iOS Apple Store, and Android. 

Follow for more details!

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